In the article “Questions to ask before hiring a patent attorney” we gave you an idea of some questions you might want to ask. Here are five more questions you should ask patent attorneys you are considering hiring in order to find out if he or she will be a good fit for you.

1. Has the patent attorney worked with individuals, entrepreneurs, and small businesses? If the patent attorney works primarily with large corporate clients, he or she may have difficulty relating to your particular situation, both in terms of your budget, and your level of knowledge about the patenting process

2. What is the patent attorney’s role after the patent application is filed with the U.S. Patent Office? A patent attorney who simply enters your case in their docket and sends you reminders when things come due, isn’t going to help you identify other areas you might need help with until its too late.

3. Will the patent attorney explain all of your options in a clear and understandable manner? Or will the patent attorney simply tell you what he or she would do? The patenting process can be complicated and you typically have more than one option at each step. It is important that the patent attorney you work with is willing to explain your options so you can make an informed decision.

4. Is the patent attorney always available to answer your questions, even after the patent application is filed? Just because your patent application has been filed, doesn’t mean that you won’t still have questions. Will the patent attorney charge you to answer questions after the patent application has been filed?

5. Does the patent attorney simply prepare and file your patent application, or strategize with you to fully protect your intellectual property? Preparing and filing a patent application may be an important first step to protecting your invention. But your invention, or later developments related to your invention, may need to be protected using copyrights, trademarks, and various agreements. This is also why it is important to work with a patent attorney.

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