Are you looking for some effective ways to market your product?  Here are some tips to help you.

Many product marketers seem to fall into the trap of “selling the product, not the experience.”  No one really wants a product but they want a solution to their problem. If you only talk about the benefits, features and facts, it will be hard to get people interested or engage with you about your product.  Try telling a story. By telling a story, and especially if your story features a character and intense emotions, you engage much more of the brain.  Tell a story about your products, but don’t just make one up.  Involve your customers or potential customers by taking them behind the scenes.

Also, many product marketing campaigns fail.  Big brands sometimes go too far outside their market’s perception.  For example, once Life Savers tried marketing soda  It did well in taste tests but once it was sold nationally, it tanked.  Customers thought they would be drinking liquid candy and the market did not like the idea.  Always consider your core audience carefully before you launch your new product.

Try doing what your competitors won’t do. Try something new and be willing to fail.  Sometimes your competitors want to “play it safe” by doing the same thing because they’re afraid they might lose their market position and never regain it.  Sometimes it is better to gamble just a little.

You can try marketing to your existing customers.  It is not always necessary to find brand new customers.  You can increase demand even among your loyal customers.

Create a completely new brand if you have multiple products.  This will help you overcome the barrier that could cause your market to think that you can’t possibly create different products.

You could also try making a “big promise” that you can deliver to your customers.  It is not important to come through on your exact promise but providing sensational value is important. Product marketers should make certain promises to get people excited about trying new products.  You should realize that there will be problems if your promise is a lie.

You should always make sure there is a market for your product before you make it.  If you don’t, it will probably fail.  Just remember that is ok if some of the new things you try do fail.  Also remember that big risks can help you gain big rewards.  

An attorney can always help you determine if your product is worth trying to patent and put into the market. 

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