Patent information is the technical information found in patent applications and granted patents.  This information may include not only the content of published patents, but the inventor’s, patent applicant’s or patent holder’s bibliographic data, inventors’ certificates, utility certificates and model and a description of the claimed invention and related developments in the same field, and a list of claims. It is also the largest, well-classified and most up-to-date collection of technical documents on innovative technologies.

You are probably wondering why would the patent applicant disclose such extensive information about their invention(s). The patent system balances the exclusive right that is granted to the patent holder over an invention.  The inventor or patent holder is obligated to publicly disclose information about newly developed technology.  This obligation is important for the continuous development of the technology behind the invention.  Patent information provides a basis for new inventions to be developed. Patent information also provides a path to others to develop something much better out of it. Without publication, it would not be possible for the public to get information about new developments in technology and this is important for technology to keep growing and developing.

Patent information has the following pros and advantages: it helps check the patentability of the inventions domestically or abroad; it is a way of recognizing the inventor and appreciating the great work of the inventor; it helps to improve or avoid niches in existing products or processes; it makes it easier to search and learn about patented inventions in a certain technological field; and it recognizes patented inventions to make sure that infringement is not occuring.

You are also probably wondering where you can find patent information on your own. Patent information can be found at WIPO’s PATENTSCOPE database and provides free-of-charge online access to millions of international patent applications filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) System.  Patent information can also be found at national and regional patent offices such as the European Patent Office and the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Access to patent information has grown as more and more patent offices make their patent documents available through online databases but certain skills are still required in order to make effective use of patent information.  One skill that is very important includes carrying out patent searches and providing meaningful analysis of these patent search results.

Contact a patent attorney for help when critical business decisions are at stake in regards to a patent. 

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