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Inexpensive or Cheap Patent Application

One of the most common questions I get is: “can I get an inexpensive or cheap patent application?”

There are lots of advertisements for cheap patent applications

So-called “patent mills” seem to come and go like the wind. There are even high-profile patent mills that advertise on TV. They’re on TV, so they must be good, right?

Would you trust just anybody with your money? Would you trust just anyone to operate your business?

Probably not.

So why should you trust just anyone with protecting your invention?

And that’s basically what you are getting when you want an inexpensive or cheap patent application.

Now you might be thinking, is there no in between? I either have to go with a patent mill or overpay some fancy lawyer to help with my patent application.

No, that’s not the case at all. Sure, there are plenty of patent mills out there that crank out large volumes of patent applications (perhaps at the cost of quality). Just like there are plenty of fancy lawyers waiting to charge you an hourly rate billed out every 5 minutes (yes, your next bill will include that 10 minute phone call).

But there are plenty of small patent law firms to choose from. These smaller (often called “boutique”) patent law firms can typically provide the quality you would expect from a larger law firm, at a lower cost. Often, the lawyers at smaller patent law firms will also be more accessible to their clients.

In fact, if you work with a solo patent attorney (a single member law firm), you will most likely work directly with the patent attorney. While I can’t speak for all solo patent attorneys, I can tell you that’s the experience Trenner Law Firm strives to provide.

Now back to the original question – can I get an inexpensive or cheap patent application?

These are relative terms. What may be considered inexpensive by some is obviously expensive to others – depending on a wide variety of factors such as your income or how valuable the invention is. It also depends on what you need. Learn about the provisional patent application option in this video.

I can tell you that Trenner Law Firm offers quality patent applications and competitive prices. I am happy to talk with my clients to answer questions about their project – without charging for a 5 minute phone call. I am happy to make revisions to a draft of their patent application, without exceeding the flat fee I quoted. Trenner Law Firm offers all this and more. I call this VALUE.

Learn how you can work with a patent attorney through our online patent law firm. Or apply today to start working with a patent attorney.

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